Nicole Frances Photography - freelance photographer of weddings, family and commercial imagery
Red Tree Gallery, Jindivick - month long solo art show, "Lucid Dreaming". Many Sales.
Von Rock Art Auctions and Sales - original art and print sales
Mirboo North "Artygras" Festival Art Show - paintings exhibited, third place award for photography
Yakkerboo Festival Art Show - paintings exhibited
Drouin Ficifolia Art Show, Drouin - paintings exhibited
Nicole Frances Photography - freelance photographer of weddings, family and commercial imagery
Red Tree Gallery, Jindivick - illustration/painting in the Winter group show
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - two pieces in the Greatest Hits show
Mirboo North "Artygras" Festival Art Show - paintings exhibited
Von Rock Art Auctions and Sales - art, print and jewellery auction, many sales of originals and prints
Drouin Ficifolia Art Show, Drouin - painting exhibited and sold
Rotary Art Show, Warragul - painting exhibited
Yakkerboo Festival Art Show - paintings exhibited
Nicole Frances Photography - freelance photographer of weddings, family and commercial imagery
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - feature artist in "Poptober" group show based on Pop culture themes, many sales
Rotary Art Show, Warragul - painting exhibited
Von Rock Art Auctions and Sales - art, print and jewellery auction
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - Batman tribute show, illustration and painting
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - Zombie Apocalypse exhibition - cloth doll and altered baby doll
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - More Than Meets The Eye Tribute Exhibition based on Transformers. Exhibited photography.
Drouin Ficifolia Art Show, Drouin - paintings exhibited and sold
Live.Love.Style, Warragul - painting on display and consignment
Nicole Frances Photography - freelance photographer of weddings, family and commercial imagery
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - Doctor Who tribute show - exhibited and sold handcrafted hair clips
Rotary Club of Warragul - Annual Art Exhibition 2013, exhibited paintings
Artboy Gallery, Prahran - feature artist in "Poptober" group show based on Pop culture themes
Gasworks Art Park, Port Melbourne - Picture This 2013 - exhibited painting and sale